Thursday, October 11, 2012

The bloody end of Mean Tangerine

Hey how's it going?

Regarding what I posted yesterday, yes, we are ending "Mean Tangerine", though I think, at least amongst the members, it died a while ago, and you may have noticed a large period of inactivity. 

And we're kinda stoked.

Seriously, bad things just kept on happening and Mean Tangerine just started giving us really bad vibes, and too much was changing and it just didn't feel like "Mean Tangerine". It was supposed to be fun and sick, and it started being such a chore, an expensive, frustrating, mind numbing chore.  Too many bass players, and no van that works properly will really put an end to a band quick I tell ya! Ha, I was thinking about it, Mean Tangerine was a band longer than The Beatles were ever a band (Obviously not that I'm ya know, comparing us or anything, I just mean time wise....) We did it for 8 years, and it was fun as hell for most of it but that's just too long to be a band, with really not too much success to show for it. 

So we're doing one last show on October 19th at the London Music Hall.  It's a very fitting last show as we're playing in a setting where we were generally most comfortable, with some Ontario Reggae bands in our hometown. We started out as a ska-reggae type of outfit, and it seems like a nice complete loop to end Mean Tangerine with a similar bill with some bands we really dig.

Anyways, if you ever liked our band, or followed us in any sense, you're probably like well what's going on with that record you've been working on for ya know like 4 years at this point...

We're going to release it still. Regarding all the things that sucked about Mean Tangerine, let me assure you this record is absolutely 100% killer. Every song is amazing and we have  17 of them or something.  Absolute gems I tell ya! haha

And we're going to release it under a different name, some of us have started a new band I should mention. And when I say some of us, I uh, mean all most of us. After years of trying to convince one of our very best buddies to join the band, our pal Dale Stephenson is going to join us on guitar, and his very lovely brother  Matt Stephenson is going to join us on bass. We're going to call ourselves "The Eighty Nine". And holy shit are we going to play no reggae at all, one of the main reasons we wanted to just put and end to Mean Tangerine, and start a new project, is the things we've been working on at the studio for this record sound nothing like anything "Mean Tangerine" would do, it wasn't really a progression as much as derailing the old bugger, and just puttin her on some new tracks. The new stuff doesn't feel like Mean T, so why do it as Mean T? It's reeeaaalllllllyyy good though. As soon as I can, I'll be putting some of the new stuff online, to give you a taste of the new vibe of our stuff now. Run on sentence, I know. 

Anyways, so yea, new band. The Eighty Nine. Reckon we plan on playing a couple shows around Toronto, in the new year, and I'm so stoked for peeps to hear the new tunes. 

I was trying to convince Max that we should do something in Toronto, like "last mean t show ever and have Mean Tangerine open for The 89" He was thinking more along the lines of "hell no, thats so fucking stupid Jesse", but I think it's a sick idea, if anyone is thinking we should do a last show in our Toronto, write er on our wall, or just fb message Max.

Game has changed, but the players are the same.


Here's an old gem for ya.

RIP Mean Tangerine 2004-2012. 

- Jesse Wilks