This is what a hit record looks like.
Well you all asked for it so here it is, a STUDIO BLOG!!!!....Okay, no one asked for it but here it is regardless. Being in the studio for a band is generally as a happening and eventful time as touring is, the difference is fans tend really not to care as much because it obviously doesn't have as much to do with them. Just stop writing about it and get your stupid record out. That's what I always say at least. Regardless I feel somewhat obliged to write about it because these days here in the studio will determine the outcome of our potential careers in music probaby more than any showcase or gig.
Max finding his "chi"
So right now we have 17 songs. 11 of them are finished and good to go, and the last five we are working on this weekend. Literally as you read this we are working on it. Trippy? No not really. If you happened to see us at any shows recently maybe you might recognize some of em!
Stupid question, but um, whats a guitar?
As for plans to release it? Right now were aiming at, what our manager called "Quarter 1" of 2012. Now, none of us knew what this meant, (except me...I'm what you'd call a "harvard man"), but after Googling it, I guess that means January 2012. Now you may very well be asking yourself "Holy Fuck that's so far away! How am I going to possibly survive until then!" Well don't you fret, we have plans to release a 7" with two songs on it at some point this fall, in physical form and online. Plus we have those samplers featuring three songs off the record, that we've already been selling (Songs are "On my way home", "Summertime" and "Ice Cold") So what I'm really trying to say, is quit your fucking bitching, we'll literally have like 5 songs from it out to the general public before the album is available, calm the fuck down, okay? We cool? Good. Back to pictures of us looking cool.
Colin made it back from protesting animal rights just in time to record
And another one.
Mike is fucking stoked for this record! HOLY CRAP!
Anyways that is all for now, we honestly cannot wait for people to hear these songs. It's kind of stressful having them in the bag without being able to show people, they sound like 10 million times (at least!) better then our crappy stupid smelly old songs. Anyways thats it for now, hope that you are stoked for this new record!
Super Orgy Pizza Party
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